PC as a Service
Reduce the daily activity and cost of IT Management
PC as a Service combines hardware, software, life cycle services and financing into one all-encompassing solution – providing a single, predictable price per seat per month through STT Financial Services. We offer flexible financing and upgrade options which will help assure IT will always have everything they need, when they need it, to keep end users engaged and productive. By moving to this type of consumption model, your business can benefit from:
Predictable budget planning
Reduced IT effort to manage computing needs
Accelerated PC refreshes keeps end-users in the most relevant technology
Flexible financing options designed to fit business needs
Technology tailored to how end-users want and need to work
Smartindo had many solutions to help your company facing the current challenge on information technology trends. With our certified sales, pre sales and technical team we can assist you to find the best solution that fit into your company requirement. Smartindo is at hand to give you first-rate services in meeting today’s global challenges.
Get in touch
We are ready to help your IT needs. Feel free to contact us at
Komplek Perkantoran Agung Sedayu Blok H No.37
Jl. Arteri Mangga Dua Raya
Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 10730
Tel : +62 21-5015 8000
Helpdesk : +62 21 5015 8000
Email : marketing@smartindo.com